April 29, 2024
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The Community Gazette
Bethel • Brookfield • Easton • Monroe • Newtown • Redding • Ridgefield
Dear Readers:
Our websites were recently attacked and we have restored limited access to our servers. We are gradually restoring our websites in this updated format as we resume online publishing. We will update this site daily as we also work to restore back issues and archived content, and thank you for your patience. — Brad Koltz, Publisher

House Fire On Greenwood Drive

The Stepney Fire Department, Monroe Volunteer Fire Department and the Stevenson Volunteer Fire Company were all called for a possible house fire on Greenwood Drive near the Trumbull border. The first units on scene encountered heavy smoke and fire coming from the second floor and confirmed all occupants were out. One resident suffered smoke inhalation. The fire was contained to one room and was cut off just before extending into the attic. The upper floor suffered extensive smoke damage. The cause of the fire remains under investigation but was determined to be accidental in nature.
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