April 29, 2024
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The Community Gazette
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Our websites were recently attacked and we have restored limited access to our servers. We are gradually restoring our websites in this updated format as we resume online publishing. We will update this site daily as we also work to restore back issues and archived content, and thank you for your patience. — Brad Koltz, Publisher

Primary Cancellation Case Proceeds

On March 21st a hearing will determine if a complaint against the Republican State Central Committee of Connecticut for canceling the scheduled March 1st Easton Town primary will proceed in Superior Court.
The Easton Republican Town Committee scheduled a January 4th biannual Caucus at the Easton Library. At the caucus, 12 members of the 30 member committee were denied renewal to another 2 year term and 12 new members were elected. After the caucus, 10 petitions for a primary were filed with the Easton Town Clerk and a primary was scheduled for March 1st. A complaint was also filed with the Republican State Central Committee of Connecticut because the location of the caucus had been moved the day before the caucus from the Easton Public Library Community Room to the Samuel Staples Elementary School a half mile away due to the increased expected attendance. It was determined that the larger attendance would violate Library rules designed to conform to directives from Easton First Selectman Bindelglass that all meetings needed to adhere to CDC social distance guidelines. The Easton Public Library set the maximum meeting size for the Community Room to 25 and over 70 Easton Republicans had attended.
According to court documents, on the day before the caucus, January 3rd, Easton Republican Chair Wendy Bowditch moved the meeting from the Library to the elementary school and posted a notice at the library. Despite 79 individuals attending the caucus at the elementary school, the complaint filed asked that the caucus be invalidated because 5 days advance notice of the move to the elementary school had not been published. The State Committee then held a hearing at which they invalidated the caucus, canceled the primary and determined that the Easton committee would be made up of the 9 petitioners without a primary, and that they would then appoint the remaining 21 members to complete the 30 member committee.
The March 21st hearing will determine if the complaint will proceed and possibly invalidate the March 9th meeting of the 9 petitioners and force a primary.
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