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April 29, 2024
The Bethel Community Gazette
Bethel • Brookfield • Easton • Monroe • Newtown • Redding • Ridgefield
Dear Readers:
Our websites were recently attacked and we have restored limited access to our servers. We are gradually restoring our websites in this updated format as we resume online publishing. We will update this site daily as we also work to restore back issues and archived content, and thank you for your patience. — Brad Koltz, Publisher

Bethel Fire And EMS Rescue Tux

The weekend the crew of Bethel Fire & EMS Rescue 1 and additional members responded to a dog-through-the-ice emergency and were thanked personally by Tux (the pup who went ice skating). They report that Tux has gotten a clean bill of health from the vet and is doing great. Sitting center of the photo are the two members who went in the water to retrieve Tux and bring him back to warmth and safety. Courtesy photo
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